Hope Gables Canine
Hope Gables Canine
Hope Gables Canine

Adventure Tips & Exercise
Stuck in a bubble because of your dog's behavior? While training is the most obvious go-to (and we would obviously not recommend foregoing it), consider also investing in activities to strengthen your relationship with them.
We can easily get lost in obsessing over fixing the issues we experience with our dogs which sometimes leads to forgetting that outside of their emotional struggles, they have basic needs as dogs that need to be fulfilled on a daily basis. One of these needs is the one we'll be focusing on for this article and that is exercise.
No, this is not where we shame you for not taking your dog on long enough walks. On the contrary. We first-hand know exactly what it's like to get home from a long day at work and want to just decompress. I, myself, commuted almost four hours a day and spent a mere few hours with our personal dogs each day during the week where I dreamed of spending my full day with them. Now they accompany me each day while I work and I couldn't be happier.
But we know this isn't always a possibility for you, and like us, you probably have a dog walker that you love who treats them with great care. Outside of that, though, here's where we offer up some ideas that you can explore (at the very least on weekends) to help make up for some of that lost time.
Some of these may be obvious but whatever you do, pick something. A well exercised dog may not be the magic bullet to solve their behavioral issues but any pent up energy that they might have had prior will subside, helping them focus on YOU. Lastly, if you choose to do one of our Board and Train programs, you can opt-in to allowing your dog to participate in some of these routine activities that we do to enrich their time at our facility. More here.
Full disclosure: We're not paid a dime to include any of these products in our article, we just thought that by saving you time researching, you'd have more time you can get out with your dog and explore!